Every year I try to document out what I am trying to accomplish the next year. As one might expect I don\‘t always get my goals, but it\‘s nice to have a good outline. Here is my post from last year.
Maintained and grew a Denver UX to 1951 members. The meetup did two events a month
Got a great new job
Gave talks on both design and development
Wrote 4 blog posts for tymerry.com and 10 blog posts for TravelSaveandBeMerry. My goal was 12 blog posts, so beat it by two
Volunteered at library teaching design and development.
was able to do 3 pull-ups and bench 135, but then stopped exercising.
Did several trips with only a small backpack, proving I can do some pretty minimalist travel
Reached a state of \“blank slate\“. Money, time, flexibility are no longer limiting factors in my life
Created a bucket list
Savings rate greater than 65%
Passed the 1/2 way point to financial independence
Didn\‘t updated blogs to the latest version of ghost
I set several goals that weren\‘t really definable for success or failure
2018 GOALS
Read 12 books
Write 12 blog posts
Get a solo chicken dinner in PUBG
Define who I want to be, this will be shown in something like [Zen of Python]
Be comfortable saying \“I am a developer\” (be able to create a CRUD app from scratch and have an example)
Generate \$1 from a business that isn\‘t consulting/contracting